04 October 2005

Je suis arrive`!

Well, after a bad address for the BART station and the plane having to turn around after it had left the gate, I made it to London. The weather here is beautiful, and I spent the afernoon walking through Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. It's hard to believe such a tranquil place is surounded by 7 million people. The hostel is nice, near Victoria Station on a quiet street.

It'll be an early night and then up to go to Kew Gardens in the morning with a visit to the London Eye in the afternoon. Not much but I'll have 4 days here at the end of my trip so will have plenty of time to sightsee.

It's so easy to travel, hop on a plane and a few hours later I'm in another world but one not nearly so strange as the London I visited in 1988. Then Londoners looked different than Americans and although they still sound different they don't seem nearly so foreign. The world is a lot smaller than it was then. One thing that still stands out is the history this place is drenched in. Everywhere I turn there is a plaque commemorating something. I walked by the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain today, not that impressive really, she deserved better.

Off for some soggy chips and over-cooked peas


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